Up coming hollywood movies

Monday 30 May 2011

beatrice miller Today Bollywood Hot Actress Sexy Photos Biography Videos Wallpapers 2011

beatrice miller biography
Beatrice Miller, a ten-year-old New Jersey native is thrilled to be the voice of Virginia in the animated Christmas Special Yes, Virginia. In her first feature film, Beatrice played the quirky, disfigured daughter of Joshua Lucas in Tell Tale. She then went on to portray a snooty girl in the hit film, Confessions of a Shopaholic. Miller’s first endeavor as a character voice came to be in the upcoming Toy Story 3. Beatrice has also appeared in numerous independent short films as well as theatrical productions. One of her favorite performances was singing the national anthem at the U.S. Tennis Open. When Beatrice is not acting, she enjoys playing softball, reading, dancing and playing with her friends and sisters.
Hot Actress
beatrice miller 

Hot Actress
beatrice miller 
Hot Actress
beatrice miller 
Hot Actress
beatrice miller 
Hot Actress
beatrice miller 
Hot Actress
beatrice miller 
Hot Actress
beatrice miller 
Hot Actress
beatrice miller 
Hot Actress
beatrice miller 
Hot Actress
beatrice miller 

Beatrice A. Miller - A Romantic Interlude

Beatrice Miller - Hodges Bend Spring Concert 2011

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